A-Z Index

Association of LGBTQ+ Employees

Northwest’s LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group serves to foster an inclusive, open campus community, advancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex and asexual people. The LGBTQIA ERG consists of LGBTQ+ individuals interested in LGBTQ+ issues for employees (administrators, staff, and faculty) at Northwest Missouri State University.

Our goals are to: 

Contact Information

Dr. Elyssa Ford
Associate Professor of History

Executive Council

Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell
School of Business

Sam Cole

Samantha Cole

Elyssa Ford

Dr. Elyssa Ford
Humanities and Social Sciences

Kristen Peltz

Kristen Peltz
Wellness Services

Ashley Strickland

Dr. Ashley Strickland
Student Success Center

Katy Strickland

Dr. Katy Strickland
Fine and Performing Arts

Kenton Wilcox

Kenton Wilcox
Language, Literature and Writing

General Resources

LGBTQ+ Employee Resources & Processes at Northwest

To Change Preferred Name

Workplace Environment

The HR office takes seriously the workplace environment for all of our employees. This includes issues related to sexuality and gender identity, such as the refusal by colleagues, contractors, or students to use preferred names and pronouns.

Questions or Concerns

You may reach out to the LGBTQ+ affinity group at any time, and HR office is available if you have any questions or concerns.